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Tickets dashboard

Explore the tickets dashboard for key metrics tied to tickets. The default range filter allows you to view metrics for a specific timeframe. Additional filters can be added to obtain more specific analytics.

  • Blocker tickets: Displays the percentage of tickets with a severity blocker out of all active tickets in the selected time range. Further drilling down helps identify the tickets that need urgent attention. Knowing the percentage of blocker tickets is essential for maintaining operational efficiency, meeting service-level commitments, and fostering a positive customer experience by addressing critical customer requests.

  • SLA compliance rate: Displays the percentage of tickets that comply with the SLA policy out of all the tickets to which the SLA policy was applied. Further drilling through helps identify the tickets that breached the SLA and a more in-depth investigation of possible root causes can be conducted.

  • CSAT score: Displays the percentage of positive survey responses out of all survey responses received. It helps identify the overall percentage of satisfied customers with the ticket resolution experience. Further drilling helps to pinpoint the tickets contributing to the CSAT score calculation.

  • Median resolution time: Displays the middle value in the distribution of the time taken to resolve tickets. Understanding this metric helps facilitate better resource allocation, sets realistic customer expectations, and enhances overall service efficiency.

Customer and product impact

Customers and products constitute the two key pillars of effective support processes and experiences. This section helps in analyzing tickets from the perspectives of customers and product parts, aiming to enhance customer satisfaction, guide product development, and inform strategic decisions for continuous improvement.

  • Active tickets per customer: Displays customers alongside the number of tickets they have created. Customers are ranked based on the number of tickets they have raised, with the customer who created the most tickets appearing first. Understanding the number of tickets per customer offers insights into individual customer support needs, helping in prioritization decisions.

  • Active tickets per product part: Provides a view of the product parts and the tickets raised for these product parts. Product parts on this list are ranked by the associated number of tickets raised, with the product with the highest number of associated tickets appearing first. Understanding the number of tickets per product part helps identify areas for product improvement and guides development efforts.

Service level agreements

Service level agreements (SLAs) are formal commitments defining response and resolution times. Understanding SLA-related metrics enables teams to assess performance, ensure timely issue resolution, and maintain high customer satisfaction. Monitoring various metrics aids in resource management, proactive issue resolution, and continuous improvement, allowing customer experience teams to optimize processes and deliver efficient and effective service. These metrics help customer experience teams meet or exceed customer expectations and build strong, positive relationships.

  • Ticket distribution across SLA stages: Provides the trend and breakdown of tickets across different SLA stages. The SLA stages are color-coded for identification and analysis. Drilling through any of the SLA stages shows a list of tickets that belong to that SLA stage at the selected point in time.

  • SLA breaches: Provides the trend of SLA breaches for the metrics applied to tickets. Identifying trends in SLA breaches reveals patterns in meeting or missing commitments. This insight enables customer experience teams to address recurring challenges, enhance overall service efficiency, and implement strategic measures to consistently meet SLAs.

Customer satisfaction (CSAT)

Customer satisfaction (CSAT) measures customers' satisfaction with the support they receive. Analyzing CSAT-related metrics empowers teams to determine overall customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. Monitoring various CSAT metrics is crucial for fostering continuous improvement, ensuring that customer experience teams consistently deliver experiences that align with customer expectations and enhance satisfaction.

  • CSAT response rate: Displays the trend of CSAT surveys sent and responses received. Understanding the response rate ensures that the collected CSAT data is reliable, allowing customer experience teams to make informed decisions based on a comprehensive and representative set of customer feedback. Additionally, a low response rate may signal potential issues with the survey distribution or the need for adjustments to encourage more customer participation. This improves the overall effectiveness of the CSAT measurement process.

  • CSAT score distribution: Provides information about the distribution of CSAT scores across the received responses. Analyzing the distribution of CSAT scores offers valuable insights into focus areas for improvement. Additionally, drilling through to identify tickets with low CSAT scores is beneficial for targeted efforts to enhance service quality and address customer concerns.

Ticket distribution

Identifying the various distributions of tickets is instrumental in understanding the center of workload and pinpointing areas that may need focus. This insight guides teams in allocating resources effectively. Additionally, it assists in strategic planning by allowing teams to adapt their workflows and provide a more responsive customer experience.

  • Tickets linked to product work or enhancements: Provides information about the proportion of tickets that require product-related improvements. It helps identify bottlenecks and improvement areas at a single glance.

  • Tickets created vs closed: Provides information about the trend number of closed and created tickets within the specified time range. It enables the tracking of the balance between incoming ticket volume and successfully resolved tickets, facilitating informed resource allocation, workflow adjustments, and continuous improvement in ticket management processes.