On this page

Jul 06 to Jul 19, 2023

2 new enhancements; 6 resolved issues

What's new

  • [AI Assist] DevRev Turing AI now conducts a comprehensive search of your entire knowledge base and identifies the top three most relevant articles. The links to these articles are then posted on the ticket, enabling swift resolution.

  • [Sprint mode]

    • We’ve made it easier for you to assign sprints to issues by using our multi-select toolbar, dropdown menu, and filter + group by sprint options. You can now also track sprint updates for a specific issue on the issue’s events tab. Plus, we updated the left nav for easy access to sprint boards and quick editing of sprint durations and start dates.
    • Introducing new and improved issue stages in DevRev! We've replaced 'Now' and 'Next' with the shiny new 'Prioritized' stage under the Open state. Say goodbye to ambiguity and confusion, and hello to easy planning. Items in this stage are automatically mapped to the Next bucket of NNL, so that you can easily stay on top of your priorities.

What's fixed

  • [Parts] To better communicate what this button actually does, we renamed “Archive” to “Delete” on Parts. Remember, this change can't be undone.

  • [RevU Portal Preferences] We added support for your company’s branding on the customer portal landing page. Anyone that visits your portal is met with your company’s unique flair.

  • [Routing]

    • We made it even easier for your support team to escalate tickets. With this change, your L1 teams can effortlessly escalate tickets to L2 teams by simply changing the group. Users can also easily configure the notifications and actions that should be taken when a customer experience engineer wants to escalate a ticket
    • We added the ability to assign tickets and conversations to team members who are currently available. Don't leave your customers hanging when they reach out. Availability based assignment ensures your customer’s queries are routed to team members who can respond quickly.
    • We made it possible for your customers to escalate tickets from the customer portal. Now, customers can ask for more attention on their ticket if they haven’t heard back. When your customer does this, we’ll notify the ticket owner so they can effectively prioritize your customer’s most important requests.
  • [Support Turing Bot] DevRev Turing bot now cites the source article when automatically responding to a customer and when suggesting an answer to a customer experience engineer in suggestion mode.