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Customer email notifications

At DevRev, our commitment is to streamline collaboration and ensure that the teams and their customers are always in the loop. To help achieve this, we've established specific email notification rules. This guide provides a clear understanding of when and how email notifications are triggered within the DevRev platform.


The email senders and subject lines are subject to change based on organizational settings and preferences.

White-label customer email notifications

Organizations can personalize their email notifications by choosing a customized sender address and by incorporating their own logo, creating a more branded and professional appearance. Moreover, if customers reply to these notification emails, their responses will automatically be added to the relevant ticket or conversation, ensuring seamless and continuous communication.

Reply to the customer on a conversation

  • Trigger: When a reply is made to a customer on a conversation and they are not online anymore.
  • Action: The system sends out a notification to the customer with the recent messages while highlighting the latest message that triggered the email.
  • Sender: DevRev no-reply@devrev.ai
  • Subject: "You are missing messages from <Org Name>"

Reply to the customer on a ticket

  • Trigger: When a reply is made to a customer on a ticket.
  • Action: The system sends out a notification to the customer with the reply message.
  • Sender: DevRev notifications@devrev.ai
  • Subject: "[DevRev] Update on TKT-XXX from <Org Name>"

Ticket linked to a conversation

  • Trigger: A ticket is linked to an existing conversation.
  • Action: The system sends out a notification with the linked ticket number.
  • Sender: DevRev notifications@devrev.ai (customizable for your domain)
  • Subject: "<customer email subject from Conversation>"

This email is only sent to the organizations with Convergence snap-in

Change of stage of a ticket/conversation

  • Trigger: When there's a change of stage in a ticket or conversation.
  • Action: The system sends out a notification detailing the Ticket/Conversation number and stage change.
  • Sender: DevRev notifications@devrev.ai (customizable for your domain)
  • Subject: "<customer email subject>"

This email is only sent to organizations that have installed Convergence Snap-in.

CSAT survey for conversation/ticket

  • Trigger: A CSAT survey is sent for a conversation or ticket.
  • Action: The system sends out a notification with the ticket/conversation number and CSAT form.
  • Sender: DevRev no-reply@devrev.ai
  • Subject: "CSAT for TKT-XXX"

This email is only sent to organizations that have installed CSAT Snap-in.

Auto customer reply

  • Trigger: A new conversation is initiated from a customer.
  • Action: An automated reply is sent.
  • Sender: DevRev notifications@devrev.ai (customizable for your domain)
  • Subject: "<customer email subject>"

This email is only sent to organizations that have installed Auto-reply Snap-in.

Auto reply on email

  • Trigger: A new email is received from a customer.
  • Action: An automated reply is sent.
  • Sender: DevRev notifications@devrev.ai (customizable for your domain)
  • Subject: "<customer email subject>"

This email is only sent to organizations that have installed Auto-reply Snap-in.