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HTTP archive file upload & sanitization

HTTP archive file upload & sanitization offers the ability to prompt clients to upload HTTP archive (.har) files through conversations, and automatically sanitizes the file while hard-deleting the unsanitized version. Once sanitization is done, the sanitized file is reuploaded to the conversation.

The snap-in has default sanitization targets for specific cookies, headers and MIME types. Through configuration, you can specify sanitization of all cookies, headers, POST parameters, MIME types, or query string parameters.

Installing the HTTP archive file upload & sanitization snap-in

  1. Install the HTTP archive file upload & sanitization from the DevRev Marketplace.

  2. Update the snap-in sanitization configurations as needed.

    • Configure whether all cookies should be sanitized in both requests and responses. If the option is disabled, the default sanitized cookies are:

      • access_token
      • appID
      • assertion
      • auth
      • code
      • refresh_token
      • token
    • Configure whether all headers should be sanitized in both requests and responses. If the option is disabled, the default sanitized headers are:

      • Authorization
      • SAMLRequest
      • SAMLResponse
      • authenticity_token
      • challenge
      • client_id
      • client_secret
      • code_challenge
      • code_verifier
      • email
      • facetID
      • fcParams
      • id_token
      • password
      • serverData
      • shdf
      • state
      • usg
      • vses2
      • x-client-data
    • Configure whether all query string parameters should be sanitized in both requests and responses.

    • Configure whether all POST parameters should be sanitized.

    • Configure whether all MIME types should be sanitized in both requests and responses. If the option is disabled, the default sanitized MIME types are:

      • application/javascript
      • text/javascript
  3. Click Save > Install snap-in.