June 2024

Airdrop Freshdesk

  • The Freshdesk Airdrop simplifies migration from Freshdesk to DevRev, supporting both one-time imports and ongoing syncs. The supported Freshdesk data types include tickets, companies, contacts, agents, and conversations.

  • A date extraction filter has been added to the Freshdesk Airdrop, allowing you to limit the ticket data pulled from Freshdesk. This feature complements the existing Airdrop filters, which restrict data creation in DevRev based on date, but only after the ticket data has been downloaded from Freshdesk.

Airdrop Jira

User mentions made in DevRev comments and synced to Jira are now correctly linked if the user exists in Jira.

document icon For more information about Airdrop Jira, refer to the following article: Jira Airdrop

Airdrop Recipe Manager

Added support for conditionally required fields on imported Zendesk tickets.

Airdrop Record Experience

Airdropped items now feature a new and improved record experience, enhancing daily interactions with imported records and improving the handling of sync errors.

Key changes:

The following new attributes are available for records and vistas:

  • Sync Status: Each record now includes a detailed sync status.

  • Succeeded: Data imported successfully.

  • Modified: Minor modifications made without violating constraints.

  • Staged: Data model constraints violated. For example, contact and account mismatch.

  • Failed: Import unsuccessful.

  • Sync Date: Timestamp of both inbound and outbound sync.

  • Sync Origin System: Identifies the source system. For example, Jira, Zendesk, Salesforce.

  • Sync Name: Specifies the unit from the origin system. For example, a specific Jira project.

Record view enhancements:

Airdropped items now feature an icon at the top of the record, next to the display ID and subtype, indicating:

  • Source Origin System (displayed as an icon)

  • Sync Status

  • Sync Date

  • A convenient link back to the item in the external source.

This new experience will be available for any new import or any recently modified work item. Currently, this experience is limited to work items, specifically issues, tickets, and opportunities.

Airdrop ServiceNow Support

User mentions in ServiceNow case notes are now correctly referenced when Airdropped to DevRev ticket comments.

document icon For more information about Airdrop ServiceNow Support, refer to the following article: ServiceNow Airdrop

Airdrop Zendesk

  • Fixed a bug where images hosted under Zendesk vanity URLs were not downloaded.

  • Added support for importing Zendesk Organization custom fields. When importing Organizations, Airdrop will display Zendesk Organization custom fields under Select Custom Fields. Selecting them will create them as Account custom fields with corresponding values filled in.

  • Tables created in DevRev ticket descriptions are now correctly rendered when syncing to Zendesk.

  • Notification emails sent for Airdrop updates will no longer display (Object Deleted).

document icon For more information about Airdrop Zendesk, refer to the following article: Zendesk Airdrop


To include the customer's name in the CSAT survey emails sent out by ticket snap-in, add a key ((customer_name)) to the introductory text configuration of the CSAT.

document icon For more information about CSAT, refer to the following articles: ‣ CSAT on ticketCSAT on conversation

Command shortcuts for quick actions

We are excited to announce new additions to the command shortcuts toolkit, designed to enhance productivity and customization.

Key features:

  • Automate repetitive actions: Extend your saved responses with automated scenario-based actions. Now, commands can handle owner or group reassignment, stage updates, tag management, and other field updates, streamlining your workflow.

  • Team-specific commands: Utilize the new Available to field to specify whether a command is to be used by all teams or only certain teams. Tailor commands to meet the unique needs of different groups.

  • Customize access control: Control who can create and update commands. By default, this capability is reserved for admins, but you can now grant this privilege to other groups by assigning them custom roles, providing more flexibility in command management.

Custom Objects

DevRev offers several native objects such as tickets, accounts, issues, contacts, opportunities, etc. However, there is often a need to extend these existing objects to retrieve business-relevant data and provide the right context for users. Custom Objects provide the flexibility to define and customize objects specifically tailored to store unique business data.

Key features:

  • Create custom object records: Easily create records for custom objects directly from the + button.

  • Search: Use cmd+K to quickly find and access your custom object records.

  • Association with stock and custom objects: Map custom objects to stock objects like tickets or contacts, as well as other custom objects.

Email Composer

  • The email composer now supports Ask AI functionality.

  • If an email fails to be sent to a customer, the composed email is automatically saved as a draft in the ticket's email composer. This ensures that no information is lost, allowing quick edits and resending.

Email Integration

  • The configuration Allow anyone to forward emails previously present in the email integration snap-in has been removed to simplify configuration, as there are no cases where we need this feature disabled.

  • Provides the ability to include the entire customer message thread from the email composer by selecting the Include history checkbox.

  • We have improved the rate-limiting experience by introducing tags such as blocked and power-user. Customers tagged as blocked cannot create tickets via email. Additionally, power-users can bypass the configured rate limits, ensuring seamless communication without restrictions. These tags must be added to customer contacts.

  • Customer experience engineers can now personalize their signatures in the My Settings section of the email snap-in, adding individuality to their communication. Automated comment emails will still use the organization-wide signature for consistency, ensuring professional interaction with customers while maintaining uniformity in responses.

  • Previously, we relied on the CC function for email threading, which sometimes led to confusion due to the presence of unusual addresses. To resolve this issue, we have made enhancements so that threading is no longer dependent on the CC function for DMARC connections. As a result, customer emails will no longer include strange CC addresses, ensuring a cleaner and more straightforward communication experience.

document icon For more information about Email Integration, refer to the following article: Email

Knowledge Base Management

The article view has been updated with additional features that enable article sorting and grouping based on various attributes. It also supports bulk actions for updating multiple articles at once.

document icon For more information about Knowledge Base Management, refer to the following article: Articles


  • Support for the Asia Pacific South region is available in the mobile apps.

  • Redesigned the customer chat screen from a bubble design to a threaded chat to accommodate longer conversations.


  • Users can now customize their Important and Others tabs for each type of notification: assignment, reminders, mentions, participation, group assignment, and group mentions.

  • Fixed a bug that was preventing customer message notifications on the mobile app and via email.

document icon For more information about Notifications, refer to the following articles: ‣ Customer email notificationsUpdates

Push notifications

Displays sender's avatar in mobile push notifications on Android.

RAG Analytics

See what your agent knows (and learns)

  • Track queries, answering rate, and generated Q&A.

  • Discover the most relied-upon content by users.

Uncover user trends

  • Analyze the daily breakdown of answered vs. unanswered questions.

  • Gauge agent effectiveness with an interactive answering rate line graph.

Get actionable insights

  • Analyze turing's performance by channel (portal, plugin, support) by drilling down on widgets.

  • Refine your knowledge base with unanswered questions.

  • Optimize content based on what users value most.

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

  • Our new RAG pipeline, powering turing answers, delivers enhanced responsiveness and accuracy.

  • Answer questions from a variety of sources, not just one! We can even handle complex, multi-part inquiries with ease.

Rich Text Editor

  • The DevRev rich text editor for articles has been revamped to seamlessly integrate relevant components into your writing experience. This update includes a slash command for quick component insertion and a comprehensive search feature.

  • We have added support for embedding the following iframes in the RTE: Google Docs, Zoom Video, Lucidcharts, and more.

Search Agent

This enhancement introduces a new initiative in DevRev aimed at enhancing ease of adoption and focusing on AI agents. Search Agent simplifies the process of adding search functionality to your product, website, or help center. Powered by AI, it ensures the retrieval of the most relevant results and provides summarized outcomes to deliver a world-class user experience.

Additionally, PLuG now includes the capability to integrate Search Agent, Chat, Turing answers, and nudges, all powered by a single SDK.

Self-Serve Custom Dashboards (Vista Reports)

With vista reports, create custom dashboards and widgets for real-time insights while preserving crucial context for swift decision-making. Quickly create widgets that seamlessly integrate data from multiple sources, providing a comprehensive and insightful view of their relationships.

Key features:

  • Quick reports and visualizations: Users can create quick reports of metrics and visualizations in the context of the Vista they are working on, providing near real-time insights.

  • Edit mode: Fine-tune your dashboard layout by editing details like title and description; edit sections like add, rename, remove; change layout like resize, reposition, and remove widgets in a canvas-like interface.

  • Save and share reports: Reports can be saved for quick access later and shared with others on the team, enhancing collaboration and decision-making. This is tightly integrated with the platform's authorization capability for increased data security and privacy.


Mobile users can now upload multiple attachments simultaneously.

document icon For more information about Vistas, refer to the following article: Vistas

White-Label Customer Email Notifications

Organizations can personalize their email notifications by choosing a customized sender address and by incorporating their own logo, creating a more branded and professional appearance. Moreover, if customers reply to these notification emails, their responses will automatically be added to the relevant ticket or conversation, ensuring seamless and continuous communication.

iOS app

  • Added the ability to switch organizations in the mobile app.

  • Decluttered the tab bar by removing the About Us section.